Canadian Democracy Code of Canada
Heavily Armed RCMP and Military With Automatic Weapons Invoking Martial Law on Behalf of The Democracy of Canada Against UNARMED Peaceful Women, Men and Children Protesting For Freedom. Freedom Convoy 2022.
Expose and Remove
Anti-Christ Assembly
Disarm Dark Army
Democracy Code of Canada - To Restore Canada Into the Hands of the Ordinary People:

A Canadian Direct Democracy for the Freedom of People.

As citizens of a once great country, we must bring this country back into the hands of the ordinary population. The population is following in silence as a once great nation is dismantled by the RULING CLASS.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Dismantling Canadian Traditions and Culture
Trudeau Treason Against Canada

Direct Democracy

is NOT an insurrection on Canadian Democracy that will be claimed by well scripted propaganda and repetitive media narrative, but will be an peoples method of Democracy for Canada.
There will be great promises made by the current Anti-Christ Assembly of the domestic and international shadow government. Promises of stability and security will not materialize through the Anti-Christ Assembly. Direct Democracy offers peace and freedom for Canada. People of Canada must demand a Direct Democracy and remove all Government minority law that effects only a few. Reinstate Canadian Traditions and Culture. Canada's Identity and culture back to 1945. Elections do little to solve the problem for Canadians since changing Government does nothing to change the Anti-Christ Assembly of government cronies at home and world. Democracy itself needs the change, the bringing back of Canadian Heritage, Identity and Sovereignty. Islam is not Canadian. Sikh is not Canadian. Hindu is not Canadian. A Canadian Culture back to the 1945 levels. It is not racist to restore Canada to a time before.
The Way Forward for Canada
✅ Canadians must remove the current Political Party Based democratic system and establish a

Direct Democracy

population based Government. The House of Commons was intended for commoners and not the very few Rulers to seize power over you.. No more Conservative, Liberal or N.D.P. Party based system. No more party system of politics. Introducing the Canadians

direct democracy

. Each riding would run a second chamber of independent candidates.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper
The government political party system gets reduced by half. Election line are to be redrawn. Liberals, Conservatives and NDP are to work with a reduced House of Commons. Canada would remove the Fat Cat Senate and create a second elected oversight chamber that would have independent Canadians to speak for the people of Canada and not any elected party. Independents would have no party affiliation or endorsement from any federal political party or Member of Parliament. Each current riding would have an independent member included in this chamber. Independent representatives elected to the House of Canadian Representatives. This independent upper chamber would have the power to override any legislation proposed by the Government of Canada. It would be reviewing RCMP policing complaints, It would monitor all government request for enactments, changes or removal of law including judicial review. The Canadian Judicial Council is removed and a judicial conduct commission is formed within this chamber. The Senate is removed and replaced with this direct democracy chamber. This chamber would replace the Canadian Judicial Council in calling an inquiry into federally appointed judges conduct and assist in government committees. It would have the final say over legislation, immigration, appointing ambassadors, taxation AND trade agreements. Everything passes through this chamber for approval. This would have the significant effect of bringing democracy back to the people by 60% approval voting. Government would still continue create legislation, legislation that can be modified, thrown out or overridden by this chamber. The mandate of the people would be found within this chamber. This independent chamber would create a true democracy. ✅ Government of Canada would be unable to bind the people without this chambers Majority Vote. ✅ A newly elected Direct Democratic Chamber would include a Daily Agenda Organizer and a Deputy Organizer. These positions would set the agenda for the day having consultation of the Administrators and Members of Parliament. Yearly patterns will emerge and others dropped. ✅ An open Parliamentary voting system would be set. The Speaker for this Chamber would be elected from members. Collectively independent people of this Chamber decide important issues.
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre Dismantling Canadian Traditions and Culture
Poilievre Treason Against Canada
✅ Past members of Parliament and those running for a seat within the House of Commons are prevented from endorsing any candidate of this Chamber. Preventing outside influence. ✅ Direct Democracy has recall legislation when a member has conducted business of


in any manner that would jeopardize the trust of the People.
✅ Past politicians or past government officials whether appointed or elected are prevented in offering assistance either directly or indirectly drafting the new Canadian Direct Democracy Framework. ✅ Canadian Treason laws will be amended to include accountability from the politicians. ✅ The Canadian Constitution is amended creating a

Direct Democracy



born people get to decide issues of


, not immigrants who are born in another country.
✅ Committees struck to assist within the

Direct Democracy

that include “Canadian Judicial Council committee” , “national security committee”, “Canadian Heritage Committee”. Committees report back to parliament and the ministers.
✅ Canadians need super majority 60% votes to enact law in this Chamber, ensuring a strong Canadian voice when laws are passed. Ensuring only reasonable and well thought out law would be passed. ✅ Canadians abolish the fat cat Senate. A Senate is no longer required when people have a Direct Say within the Democracy. ✅ Canadians must have proposition voting on election ballots for questions that would change Canadian Identity, social security, traditions or

Canadian society

. Basically having the question presented on Election Day for all Canadian’s to decide and not politics or Canadian courts. Binding upon the next government. All proposition voting is limited to Canadians who are born in Canada and of legal voting age, no one born outside Canada gets a vote on propositions. Everything must be done to ensure Canada retains it's sovereignty.


go back and remove or purge the laws that changed Canadian society, heritage and long held Canadian traditions back to 1945 levels. All past Government of


laws protecting minority are removed. All future law and any change to Canadian society must be with the consent of the Canadian population. A cooling off period will be enacted before introducing any similar laws into Parliament.
President John F Kennedy JFK - The 1961 Secret Society Speech To The Press That Killed Him
President JFK - The 1961 Secret Society Speech To The Press That Killed Him
✅ Canadians must have a system that is able to withdraw law already enacted by past government or the Canadian courts. 10% of the voting population within 7 provinces would be successful in placing any law that had been already enacted in front of the population to decide. A proposition vote would appear on the next election ballot. Once successful the proposition vote becomes binding upon the next Government and courts to remove law. ✅ Parliament has the ability to restore Canadian Culture, privacy and remove law with the consent of the population. ✅ In a

Direct Democracy

Canadians must purge every international ambassador. Hire new international ambassadors every 2 years who have never been involved in Government, who are not politically connected or have international political connections.
✅ A Direct democracy would have Canadian judges elected. Life long elected judicial placements. Judges required to publicly explain their judgments. ✅ A Direct Democracy would roll back homosexual laws that permit marriage and adoption back to 1945 levels. If important for Canadians, the ability to reinstate any law by the people after a 10 year cooling off period. This is what

direct democracy

is about, let the people decide. Homosexuals and other groups will protest against

direct democracy

and any voice of the people.
✅ Integrating new Immigrant Canadians into Canada's culture would be a priority for this Chamber, removing all Islamic religious symbols, Sikh Symbols including turbans from ALL Parliament, RCMP and Federally funded institutions.
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Mobile Friendly Web Design by: Mr. Paul Postnikoff
Content is Written and Assembled by: Mr. Paul Postnikoff
Democracy Code of Canada 2012 - 2025