Democracy Code Exposes a New Style of War Against the People of Canada:
Democracy Code is about Restoring Canadian society, identity, heritage and traditions.
A new style of war has emerged.. having the invasion of a country without firing a shot. Ground invasion is no longer necessary. “DEEP STATE” Domestic and International Anti Christ Rulers have discovered they can destabilize Canada by Government Made Destabilizing Canadian Minority
using its own Government to gain control of the Canadian population. Conquer the people of Canada from within by using their own Government. Domestic and International Rulers have seized the minds of what I call The “Anti-Christ Assembly” which includes the Canadian’s government and all government officials elected and appointed in Canada and throughout the world. It is to destabilize democracy by taking away the country historic values and it’s traditions, basically leaving the country without an identity. They know a country like Canada will suffocate, becoming hollow, without traditions and identity. A domestic and International parasitic society
are waiting for the people of the world and Canada to self destruct pinning one Canadian against another. The International and the Domestic Government of Canada want ordinary Canadians to fight among themselves so they can seize power over you.
Adolf Hitler Quote: We are disarming our citizens in order to make our streets safer and policing more efficient.
People become weaker, demoralized as the parasites get stronger every day, government intent is NOT to uplift the morally WEAK within Canadian society.. rather they seek to dismantle and weaken the morally strong and bring them into submission. The Parasitic Rulers of Canada appoint Judges, RCMP and Canadian Judicial Council are a part of the system intended to weaken society, together they help insure people with high moral value cannot speak due to fear of being, fined, jailed or being arrested. The Parasitic Rulers of Canada encourage Homosexuals, Islam, Sikh, and Hindu to adopt a ZERO tolerance toward long held Canadian values and traditions, they are setting the agenda. This same ZERO tolerance is now required by the morally strong in order to take Canada back.
Democracy Code provides a framework of restoring Canada.
It took years of propaganda and laws before the mass extermination started in the German Democracy of 1936.. The same building blocks of propaganda and hate towards people of Canada are being used today. After freedom is lost, there is a grave danger that A NAZI STYLE CULL of Livestock will be initiated that will have those who oppose big brother government eliminated from earth.
Evil Canadian Rulers - Evil Results for the People
 Poilievre Treason Against Canada
Our Canadian system of democracy and most world democracy are based on the same democratic system of 1936 Germany. A democracy used to take liberty away from so many. “DEEP STATE” Democracy
is not just elections .. in Canada, government is a assembly of government appointments and laws that do not require the consent of the population. Elections have little to do with this as elections fail to change the “Anti-Christ Assembly”. The system is what I will talk about today.
Democracy Code provides solutions to Excuses made by Prime Ministers. Electing a NEW Prime Minister fails to change Canadian democracy. Canadian democracy itself needs the change.
The “DEEP STATE” Anti Christ Domestic and International Deep State Rulers are solidly the farmers and ordinary Canadians the sheep. Everything government does at this point is only a distraction and all a hoax, keeping peoples minds occupied elsewhere. It no longer matters who you elect to run Canada at this time, the Government “Anti-Christ Assembly” has placed it's cronies into all high raking positions throughout Canada and the world internationally, representing Canadians down the dark golden path. Democracy Code
seeks to dismantle parasitic Rulers and bring democracy back into the hands of the ordinary Canadian.
In Canada, government hand picks it’s cronies for all parts of authority. This has grave danger to all ordinary citizens of Canada since changing governments does not change the “Anti-Christ Assembly” . We have senators, judges, international ambassadors and more selected by government based upon dominance of the elite and acceptance of foreign influence. The government has appointed everyone in power today.. scarred yet? With your help, together
Democracy Code mission is the taking away the power of only a few and placing government power into the hands of the ordinary Canadian where it belongs.
Prime Ministers, Ambassadors, Judges and all those advancing Homo, Drag Queen and Trans is NOT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS.. but is intended to take away your freedom by destabilizing the people and their thoughts. Same goes with introducing foreign cultures into Canada. The destabilizing goes on and on.. Homosexuality is a mental illness that through propaganda, consistent repetition and introduction of Government law it is being promoted as normal by the leaders of the land including Senators, Politicians, Judges and International Ambassadors to people and children. It is all about control. Democracy Code
will stop the erosion of Canadian Traditions Culture and Sovereignty
Canadians are at war with the same democratic system that “NAZI Hitler” used. Currently
Canadian democracy is not killing Jews but it is exterminating Canadian historic Culture, Values and Identity that had been passed down through generations... no country can survive if a country's traditions and identity do not survive. In the future people will be enslaved or eliminated if they are deemed of little use to society... AND THAT'S THE POINT. Canadians need a new Democracy, one of the people. All democratic leaders, past, present and future will be hunted for treason and brought to justice before the people not government appointed judges.
Democracy of Canada at War With The Lawful Ordinary People.
Transitioning Into a Totalitarian Canadian Government
Crazy thought when you first read this, but it is true.. the Democracy in Canada has Totally Collapsed. The WAR MEASURES ACT violently attacked the ordinary peaceful people of Canada with a coordinated military operation. Lawful Canadians arrested and jailed on bogus crimes, bank accounts frozen by Government and assets taken from law abiding ordinary Canadians attending the PEACEFUL FREEDOM CONVOY 2022.
A Government focused on breaking the people of Canada. Like the “NAZI Hitler” democracy, the goal for our Government is that of total control for the benefit of “DEEP STATE” domestic and international parasites. The Government of Canada needs to disarm lawful ordinary Canadians so they can easily achieve total “NAZI Hitler” style obedience of Canadians. This is not about gun safety, this is about a Government tyranny and war against the people of Canada. Ensuring Canadians cannot fight back guarantees the success of the operation, the same tactic used by the Hitler democracy in Germany. The Government of CANADA is seeking to control Canadians by force through repetitive government propaganda and population censorship.
Democratic law and more law on every part of human activity.. people unable to function without total Government and Police supervision. Unable to turn back, combined laws, as one will be the ultimate Government grab on your freedom. Democracy Code will eliminate law intended to strip the freedom from Canadians.
A Desensitized Country, Disinformation From Mainstream News.
Unknown to most of the population, the laws created are being enacted for control. Like in Canada, the Nazi democracy legally created law that was sold to the public as just. No one suspected the democracy of Germany was at war with its own population until it was too late. The same tactic the Hitler democracy used when the Gestapo went door to door rounding up the NAZI undesirables is being used in Canada today. Just like the Hitler democracy, Canadian Government officials in authority are liars, working without the consent of the population. A
Demoralized Population of Canada can no longer think, Truth Means Nothing.
Trudeau Disgraced - Against Canada
Adolf Hitler Quote: Our strategy is to destroy the enemy from within, to conquer him through himself.
Canadian Hitler Democracy Disarming The People Through Propaganda and Lies.
Although not declared in the traditional fashion, war is already here in Canada, as it is within other HITLER style fake democracy throughout the world. Not an army invasion style of war, but an invasion that uses fear, population censorship, laws not supported by the majority, security, government disinformation, human science, media, methods and tactics to gain control of the people.
Destabilizing citizens. People never realizing they gave away freedom to the parasitic class... until it is too late to turn it back. No world democratic leaders will help the people of Canada since they belong to the same Hitler style democratic system of government. The Canadian democratic system needs immediate change to avoid a total stripping of our rights, loss of freedom and liberty. The world and Canada are falling apart because ordinary people are allowing the parasites to make it happen.
A Mind Full of Fear Has No Room For It's Own Thoughts.
One major defining moment in world history needs to take place, disease, world hunger, environmental, economic, civil unrest.. some occurrence for the United Nations, the Domestic and Foreign Parasitic society to spring into action.. an event that will repeated on fake news disinformation broadcasts in order to gain world population support and submission. A one government.. Hitler style New World Order - A Great World Reset is about to happen and within reach for the International Parasite Society. Any freedom will be decided based upon the international Parasite needs. At the beginning the military will take instructions from the leaders of the Canadian “Anti-Christ Assembly”. Future military and police will take instructions based upon law created internationally without the consent of the general Canadian population. The clamp on freedoms is happening now.
Adolf Hitler Quote: How to achieve the moral breakdown of the enemy before the war has started -- that is the problem that interests me.
An Education System Taken Over by Government. A Forced Destabilization of Children.
The “DEEP STATE” domestic and international parasite society are solidly the farmers and ordinary Canadians the sheep. Everything government does at this point is only a distraction and all a hoax. It no longer matters who you elect to run Canada at this time, the Government “Anti-Christ Assembly” has placed it's cronies into all high raking positions throughout Canada and the world internationally, representing Canadians down the dark golden path.
Loss of Liberty and Canadian Freedom:
This website is intended to explain how your freedom has already been lost and your liberty will be lost shortly. Loss of Liberty is a bit different than the loss of freedom. Loss of liberty means curfew and loss of movement and possible instructions for being at a certain place at a certain time or maybe some people allowed to do things while others are not permitted.
Canadians Must Remove the Democratic Parasites. Before it is Too Late.
Canada has already been invaded, a foreign threat that poses great danger to our way of life. Everyone knows that loss of liberty is something that happens when an invading army captures a country. The army immediately imposes strict movement on the citizens. Basically imposing the army rule on the citizens of that country. It is happening now in Canada and we need to act today.
President John F Kennedy JFK - The 1961 Secret Society Speech To The Press That Killed Him
NO Political Promise Will Change What Has Happened to Canada. Democracy Itself Needs The Change.
In Canada the government has supreme control over its citizens, this makes it easy for a core “DEEP STATE” Foreign international parasite society to become a part of the strategic influence and government planning in Canadian law, immigration and homosexuality. These people have discovered that it is not necessary to use military to conquer a nation, like Hitler did, but use Canada’a very own government to destabilize its citizens leading to full control of the people.
Government Disinformation and Lies Pumped Into The Soft Heads of Canadians.
Electing a ANY NEW government fails to remove the “Anti-Christ Assembly”. It is this assembly Canadians must remove for Canadians to regain democracy. The system is solidly against anyone who wants to change things for the better. Laws that take freedom are never changed with future governments, with more law added by the next government. Everything government does now is a distraction intended to keep Canadian minds occupied elsewhere.
An Entire Canadian Generation Without Purpose:
Trudeau Treason Against Canada
The generation born after 1945 has let down all future generations and all future Canadian families, the future children and grandchildren of this country. All the adult Canadians remain silent as this country falls apart. Some employed and taking an income for destabilizing Canada and its children. What is required is to snap Canadian Identity back to 1945 and have Canadian Born People decide the future through a DIRECT DEMOCRACY and not the NAZI Hitler style democracy Canadians have current.
Disinformation on Islamophobia Can Stop Today. Islam Without Population Consent.
If you DO NOT AGREE with the Government Extremist Plan to destabilize the people of Canada BECOME THE VOICE and NOT THE VICTIM against Government extremism. If you oppose homosexuality being taught in schools .. say it. If you oppose the destabilizing Canadian culture and identity through the introduction of a very different and competing culture… say it. Protest it. If you oppose Cross dressers and Drag Queens reading stories to your children in school.. say it. The time is now to speak, before it is too late to save our Canadian heritage and identity.
Two Types of Government Racism Introduced.
In Canada two types of Government introduced minorities are being sold to the Canadian Population as racist, visible and social. Racism is being forcefully introduced into Canadian Culture by the Domestic and International Rulers of Canadian Land without the consent of the population. Canadians have no history of Racism until recent. Visible racism is not a matter of black or white.. yellow or brown. It is the rapid mass immigration into a country that alters the core identity of the people that is the problem, nothing to do with racism. Canadian people are not racist based upon color of skin.. but are racist regarding the Government of Canada methods of destabilizing the population. All who have immigrated into Canada and share Canadian Values and core belief, no matter what color are welcome here. The Government division of one group from another.. Black against White is not welcome.
Government introduced Social Racism brought to Canada by the Domestic and International Rulers. Canadians have the absolute right to be racist against the introduction of competing cultures that threaten Canadian Identity, Heritage and Culture. The greatest danger to Canadian society today is the introduction of different competing culture into our society. Sikh and Islam are here for one Government purpose, to destroy Canadian Identity, traditions and heritage. It is not racist to demand that our country be restored to a time before Islam and Sikh cultures. Nothing to do with racism.. rather a need to restore Canada to a time before. This is about culture and not racism.
GOVERNMENT.. Deconstructing the Sexual Identity of Children.
They do not call themselves Antifa but they are an Extremist Terrorist Group operating openly in Canada. An Antifa style group is mostly of Federal Government Union Members who openly support the LEFTIST Agenda. This group is not reported by main stream media as truth is well hidden from the people. RCMP do not arrest this Antifa style organization when they assault ordinary Canadians. Government extremist and media fully support Antifa disrupting ordinary people protesting as a method to silence opposition. Antifa works in the background, removing anyone who opposes Government extremism. The upcoming years are crucial for Canadians as Government and extremist Antifa are looking to remove all opposition to their plan. No matter who you elect.. Antifa and Government hold a far left extremist view of Canada which must be challenged by the ordinary people of Canada before late. Canadian FREEDOM is at stake here. These are terrorists against the Canadian way of life and heritage.
Fight against Government extremism and control or live like sheep forever more.
Democracies are Combining - New World Order Within Reach of Parasites:
All World Democracies are combining at this time. Canada needs to distance itself from the corrupt policies of the United Nations and all foreign influence, let's start being a country again and not simply electing politicians to rub elbows with foreign interest who are changing Canada. Let's bring democracy back into the hands of the ordinary Canadian where it belongs.
Adolf Hitler Quote: The man who has no sense of history, is like a man who has no ears or eyes.
Government Gun Control For The Lawful Canadian.. Is for Control of The Ordinary
There is talk about a New World Order, also called The Great Reset, that is alleged to bring justice and law to every human on this planet. It will govern all the ordinary people of the world. What bullshit.. as if Canadians cannot decide how to govern themselves. This is all about every ordinary person on this planet becoming an item that will be harvested, owned and controlled by only a few elite. This is the reason for massive immigration of Homosexual, Islam and Sikh, the United Nations will claim Canadians are Racist requiring more law to protect these groups. It is not racist to want Canadian Culture and Identity restored. Nothing to do with Racism.
Tucker Carlson Fox News: Trudeau has declared Canada a Dictatorship.
Democratic Parasite Using Tactics To Establish Total Control.. Introducing a Digital World.
Taxation, immigration, homosexuality are influenced internationally for a purpose to divide the Canadian population. Government is introducing another culture into Canada without the consent of the population. Government open border immigration of Homosexual activists and activist media into this country are changing society and Canadians vision of what this country was in the past. Erasing past Canadian Culture, traditions and identity. No law to govern the domestic and “DEEP STATE” Foreign international parasite secret society currently taking control of the Canadian population and influencing destructive laws and immigration into Canada.
In the background the Democracy of Canada is seeking population tracking, complete control including all banking and your accounts. Everything you do is be monitored by Government of Canada and internationally within the very near future.
Become a PROUD Islamophobic - Islam Is Not Canadian.
Government plan is to create a sense of urgency within the population … an urgency that will have Canadians freely accept the loss of freedom in exchange for government promises. Great promises will be made for normalization and stabilization whether the government urgency is real, created or an imagined urgency.. but first Canadians will be required to agree to giving up freedom to government. Once freedom is lost it no longer will matter whether the government keeps the promises of normalization and stability or not.
Dangerous World Economic Forum Global Political Power Grab. Rebel News
Government Tyranny Against The Lawful People of Canada
The Government of Canada and it's use of excessive force, R.C.M.P. police and the Canadian military is a wake up call for the citizens of Canada as they dismantle Peaceful Protests using the Canadian War Measures Act and Government Martial Law. A test of the Canadian Nazi systems and laws in order to completely strip freedoms and liberty from all Canadian Citizens. The people of Canada must rise up against Government of Canada, it is no longer a democracy of the people. We must hold the line and demand that our current Representative Government be replaced with a Direct Democracy, a democracy run by the Canadian people and not politicians who are feeding off the good will of ordinary Canadians.
Adolf Hitler Quote: To conquer a nation we must disarm the citizens first.
Fight As Lions For a Direct Democracy or Live Like Sheep Forever More.
All Canadians need to be concerned regarding the Gestapo R.C.M.P. and the Canadian Nazi Third Reich response to a peaceful Truckers Freedom Convoy 2022. The Canadian R.C.M.P. and Military are clearly taking instructions from the Canadian Nazi Third Reich command center and no longer are accepting instructions from the people of Canada. The Government of Canada will pin the Gestapo R.C.M.P. and Nazi Third Reich Military against the people while the Canadian leaders of the land go into hiding.
Overthrowing The Current Representative Government - Favoring a Direct Peoples Democracy
The Canadian representative system of democracy has failed the people of Canada and most other democracy around the world. Ordinary Canadians have been without a voice for a very long time. Government continues to allege they have the mandate of the people when government is outside the control of the ordinary Canadian. Only Government detractions and the destabilizing our country remain. No longer does it make any common sense on trying to save any part of the current government system. No longer can Canadians depend on electing a new Government of Canada or a new Prime Minister of Canada when all the prior baggage assembled over the years remains solidly in place. No longer is it as simple as replacing one Prime Minister with another Prime Minister or one Political Party with another Political Party when the same tyrannical democratic system remains. The time is now for a government represented by the people.
Adolf Hitler Quote: The great masses of the people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one.
DRAG QUEEN EVENTS - Cabaret Baby Raves Exposing Children and Toddlers. Rebel News
Islam Is Not Canadian.
The solution is to scrap the current Canada's Political Party System and Representative Democracy and all its cronies replacing it with an independent upper chamber with independent candidates representing Canadians in Parliament. Have reduced political party system.
Past and Current Government Officials and Prime Ministers Hunted for TREASON against the people of Canada.
A direct democracy requires a complete purge of laws back to 1945, restoring a population identity, a purge of senators, a purge of ambassadors, a purge of judges and a purge senior government officials, all replaced by the people who are not connected with the political parasites. A PEOPLES DEMOCRACY FOR THE PEOPLE. The Canadian people most likely will rise up again in a peaceful protest to Government Policy at some point. The choice will be the Government Parasite to make, they can decide to listen and admit change or to once again invoke the War Measures Act against the lawful people of Canada. The Canadian Adolph Hitler Democracy's reason for disarming lawful people.. the Parasites want full control of you without you having any ability fighting back government tyranny. The people must make their demands clearly stated and peacefully... Canadian's no longer want a Government that is run by the few “DEEP STATE” domestic and international parasites, people must demand a DIRECT DEMOCRACY as detailed within this website.. A Government that refuses to administer the will of Canadian's will most likely end with a civil war in order to remove the Parasites once and for all. It is not the Canadian people who will be at fault for civil war.. it will be the government who most likely will instruct curfew and have a military and police removing people off streets and going home to home. This will be the last stand for freedom in Canada. Who knows the people may not do anything and simply submit to a totalitarian Government.
Government Deflecting Scrutiny Placing The Blame onto Canadians.
It is probable that the Government of Canada will use all means necessary including the Canadian fake media to claim a peoples insurrection against what they will describe as a democracy. Changing the Canadian democracy is not an insurrection against democracy rather an insurrection on the method of democracy. The peoples voice must be heard.
A Main Stream Media Lie Based Upon Ongoing Government Disinformation Narrative.
One thing for certain a change must happen, removing the parasitic rulers of the land and replacing the Canadian “NAZI Hitler” style democracy with one of a people democracy. The best outcome for all Canadians would be a peaceful transition into a direct democracy. President John F Kennedy once said Those who make a peaceful revolution impossible will make a violent revolution inevitable. If the Canadian and international parasite leaders decide to fight in order to keep control of Canada, a civil war may result. Although possible, I don’t think the RCMP, Military and Canadian Government will be interested in killing the Canadian people who want peaceful democratic change. Instructions for the Government of Canada will be handed down by international parasites at this time. If civil war happens it would not be any fault of the ordinary people, but the parasites who want to retain control over the ordinary Canadian with force. The Canadian democracy has totally collapsed. Government disinformation and lies remain.
Good luck. |